hello healing
Entreprenurship & motherhood: the Unpolished Podcast with Sarah & Stacy

When I started thinking about building my own business devoted to healing so I could ultimately leave the high-pressure corporate world, I knew it was something I had to do for my own health and happiness. But as any entrepreneur knows, that doesn’t mean the journey (which is still ongoing) is easy! While making the transition to business ownership from the corporate world I’ve known so long, I’ve also been balancing the responsibilities of being a new mother. That has added a whole new level of crazy to this roller coaster ride.

One of the things I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I am a verbal processor. I need to talk it out to get clarity on what’s going on in my life. So for me, conversations with people who get me are a core part of my personal healing toolkit. I think the same is true for many new entrepreneurs, who soon discover that the fear and elation of the rollercoaster ride are best experienced with a supportive tribe by your side.

That's where Sarah comes in.

I met Sarah Carpenter when we both were at the beginning of our entrepreneurial journeys and were struggling with all the ups and downs and difficulties of the whole process. We both knew of countless examples of people who had “made it” and were successful in the entrepreneur world, but there was no one talking about how hard it was to actually navigate these early stages. So to fill that vacuum, we started talking to each other about it on weekly phone dates. This evolved into the idea of sharing our conversations so that other people in our shoes might not feel as alone as we originally had, before we found each other.

The Unpolished podcast was born and each week we get real about the messy truth of building a business while managing the chaos of motherhood.

Check it out here and join our growing community on Facebook and Instagram where we support each other on our journeys and celebrate both our struggles and successes.