Natural Remedies for Sick Days

mom applying essential oils to feet of sick kid

There’s a lot going around this time of year, and sick days can be really frustrating for so many reasons. That’s where natural remedies come into play—the body knows how to heal itself, and we can support it doing so with the medicine found in nature. In our house, our go-to is our toolkit of essential oils. One of the many reasons I love these bottles of plant extracts is how versatile they are—we use them to both defend and protect ourselves against all the environmental and seasonal threats.

I no longer feel helpless when anyone in my house spikes a fever, or starts sniffling or coughing. To support a fever, I simply rub a drop of peppermint oil into their back as they rest/sleep it off, and it usually comes down within hours. For sniffles and coughs, I reach for my immune supporting combos of oils like OnGuard, lemon, frankincense, and oregano and apply along the spine and/or feet every couple hours to boost the immune system.

The reason essential oils are so powerful is that they’re able to go directly to the root of the problem of whatever issue is happening and attack the threats at the cellular level. This is one of the reasons why it’s best to apply topically with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil to make them absorb easily into the body and get to work! This is also why it’s good to remember consistent and persistent use—we want to keep a steady flow of these oils in the system so they can really help the body with its innate healing processes. Essential oils are the natural defense mechanisms of plants. Their purpose is to ward off invaders and threats from harming the plants, so you can see how powerful they can be when used to support our own health!

Here are some of the sick day protocols used in my house. What’s your go-to protocol in your house?

👉🏻If you want to add these oils to your natural medicine cabinet, they can be found in the Healthy Start, Healthy Home, and Natural Solutions starter kits. Once you place an order, I’ll be in touch with more education and resources so you know exactly how to start benefiting from the power of plant medicine!

🌟For the month of February, you can also check out these promotions to support your health. The Winter Wellness kit is a limited time offer while supplies last , and you can also receive $77 worth of my favorite OnGuard products for free with any 200PV order! Send me an email if you have any questions!

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