How to Soothe Our Nervous Systems

In the midst of fear, panic, and uncertainty, one of the most important things we can do is find ways to reconnect with ourselves and soothe our nervous systems. We can either be in ‘fight or flight’ (ie, stress) or ‘rest and digest’ (ie, healing) mode, and most of us are locked in the former because of the chronic stress in our lives. This is important because our bodies can’t do what they need to do from this place. Stress is known to weaken our immune system, and right now, that’s the opposite of what we all need. But, we are not powerless.

Reaching for calming essential oils can be a powerful ally in these situations—the simple act of inhaling these plant aromas sends calming signals directly to the limbic system in our brain. Breathing is also something within our control and is another powerful way to send the message to our body that we are safe in this moment. Here are 3 simple breathing techniques you can try and see for yourself.

The Adaptiv blend has been a game-changer for me in managing my own stress. I’ve used lots of stress management tools over the past few years, and this blend is incredible in how supportive it is in calming my nerves. It’s helped me focus and start a meditation practice, transition from the work day to the witching hour of dinner time with two young kids, and eases my racing heart when I’m awake in the middle of the night. Here’s some more information on why this formulation works so well. If you’d like to add this to your toolkit, and are ready to start using essential oils to support all aspects of your physical and emotional health, I recommend starting with the Healthy Essentials Kit. If you just want to get started with the Adaptiv system, that’s great too! You will be amazed at how one drop can transform your life. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out!